Recently, we received this question from a student: "How do we document and bill for basic CST?"
Here is our answer from Sarah Ash and Don Ash:
All the definitions of physiological reactions and effects to our techniques are options for documentation and ways we can record results in our notes. (refer to the CST Handbook Compendium) Listening stations, diaphragm releases, CS Rhythm characteristics; symmetry, quality, amplitude and rate. These are universal around the world in Craniosacral Therapy circles.
Initial visit: patient comes in complaining of chronic ache in low back and neck of several months. They said they had fallen in the snow landing on their right side during the winter several months ago.
1. We evaluate the CS Rhythm from the heels and find the rhythm weak and more palpable on left than right. (Symmetry, Quality, Amplitude and Rate) -- Amplitude is weak and asymmetrically, (Left vs. Right), feeling stronger on the left than the right.
2. We elect to treat with pelvic and thoracic diaphragms and notice heat release and softening from both areas.
3. Patient reports feeling more relaxed, balanced and can move more without pain.
4. We re-evaluate from the heels and find overall rhythm improved in better symmetry and stronger overall.
** we always re-evaluate the rhythm in order to note change and potential progress **
5. We schedule follow-up visit in one week.
6. Our goals for treatment are:
- pain + relaxation of soft tissue tone + activities of daily living and a sense of well being
We document as in numbers 1-6 in our notes.
We bill based on time spent in session and our normal hourly rate.
Depending on the kind of practitioner you are goals and more specific results to treatment may apply.
Happy Day,
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