The stress of our times is creating anxiety about the future and worry about the present and decisions we need to make: should kids go back to school? Do we re-open our businesses? Will we have money to pay bills, the mortgage, food and utilities? There is the existential threat, will I -- or my spouse, child, grandparent, friend, significant other -- become sick or die? How can I go to work to support my family and not bring the virus and illness home? The social isolation of not giving and receiving hugs is a big loss to our social well-being. Regional and national effects have caused folks who have jobs that engage the public to lose those jobs and close their businesses. And recent re-opening is no guarantee that we can stay in business if there is a resurgence in the virus.
Additionally, emergency medical service, direct care doctors, nurses, therapists support staff and acute care facilities have been stretched to their maximal ability to provide care. These caregivers treating the actively infected are being worked to exhaustion and in fact have become sick themselves in their heroic efforts to provide care and emergency service. Essential service providers in other areas of our community like food stores, pharmacies, essential stores, public transport, emergency police, fire and rescue personnel and others have suffered the same fact. Wearing masks, gloves and using wipes to grocery shop reminds us of the ever-present danger raising stress and anxiety just buying food, but we have to do it. The emotional and physical toll affects us all.
As craniosacral therapists we offer a way to stimulate the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid to support the central nervous system, circulate lymphatic fluid to bolster the immune system and somato-emotional processing to gently hold neutral space to reduce the effects of stress, anxiety, fear and the physical tensions of these times. By promoting relaxation, releasing of emotional holding in the physical body and offering self-help techniques to teach people ways they can cope with these current times while still preserving their well being for themselves and their families is a way forward offered by CST.
So how do we offer such a gentle, effective, self-regulating manual therapy without being a source of cross contamination and the spread of the virus?? We re-invent ourselves in our clinical environments, our use of personal protective equipment and our methods of touch to influence the craniosacral mechanism and enhance qualities of self-awareness and well-being while being safe.
The following essays in the next couple of weeks will be our ideas in moving forward dealing with the topics mentioned and discussing strategies to confront the virus, offering healing touch in a way that is safe and therapeutic. This virus, whatever else it is, is an opportunity to change and re-invent ourselves as a family, community, nation and world. The Chinese language (ironically) offers two symbols for crisis: one is danger and the other is opportunity. This is our challenge to create a new way to be a safe, compassionate point of service. Our world needs us now more than ever. It will not be easy, but we must find a way to try.
Please stand by for the following essays. Comments and other ideas welcome. As in anything I write or teach, take what truth you find and leave the rest. Let us work together to find a way forward and new happy days.
Circle No: 64 "Creating Safe Space"
Circle No: 65 "Re-Inventing CST For These Times"
Circle No: 66 "Re-Inventing Classes For These Times"
Circle No: 67 "Self Help for All, Self Care As A New Normal"
Don Ash